One thing is for sure: the way we consume and produce meat today, cannot stay this way it is. But it is also clear to us, that we do not change anything by prohibiting to eat meat.
We need solutions that encourages people to go for an alternative animal protein transition. We all sustainably benefit from this change in the long run.
We Are Enabler
Farmers, food producers, consumers, we aim for a winning solution for everyone, because we are sure, that only together we are able to realize a long-term and lasting turn around.
Our Solution In A Nutshell
For Industry
We delvelope a smooth plug-and-produce system which enables meat processors to move away from conventional animal agriculture practices to the efficient in-house production of culured meat.
For Agriculture
Due to our strong agricultural background, we build on a network of farmers and agritraders for sourcing and supply the raw materials we need for our biological ingredients ( which are necessary for the production process).
For Consumers
The high efficiency of our solution leads to price parity of cultured meat compared to conventional produced meat. This way consumers can contribute easily to a more sustainable future.
Better Together
We are a growing, diverse team of problem solving meat lovers, all united aiming to make a deep and long-term global impact on future eating.
Philipp Drescher
Senior Biotech Engineer
Simone Krüger
Senior Upstream Scientist
Check our Vacancies
Future Team Member
University Meets Business
We are located in one of the most modern research departments of the University of Rostock. Due to the unrestricted access to cutting-edge technologies, this gives us the possibility to rapidly approach our challenging also exciting mission, enabling food producers the smooth transition from conventional to cell-based meat transition.